Now, I LOVE technology. I absolutely adore it. I really do. No, really. You have no idea. Currently I am watching TV on a projector through a PS3, listening to it through speakers and typing this on my laptop. I constantly multitask with technology. I can't help but turn everything on at once.
So I was just browsing the internet, trying to distract myself from the list of things that I have to do (which is, ironically noted down on my phone...), when I stumbled across Carrie Hope Fletcher's new idea. Now Carrie is a youtube vlogger, whose videos I watch and very much enjoy. I also like to flick through her tumblr from time to time and today I found this article of hers.
I think it's a brilliant idea. I completely empathise with her feelings. I love the internet and TV and everything, but it does just call to me and tell me not to do whatever it is I actually need to do with my day!
Unfortunately, I think that Power Cut Day for the moment is unrealistic for me, as I am currently participating in NaNoWriMo (blog post on that to follow soon). After that, it'll be December and things get a bit crazy around Christmas time, so I doubt I'll be able to manage it. However, I will definitely be considering it as one of my new years resolutions. I always set them and always, always fail 9 out of 10 of them. And when I do go ahead with it, it will not be a Sunday, because I work on Sundays, so spend most of my time away from the computer anyway.
I might try doing the Power Cut Hour once a week during NaNoWriMo though! :-)