Thursday, 6 September 2012

Gap Yah! An Introduction

I suppose I owe myself an explanation...

I'm Verity, I'm 18 years old, I'm on a gap year.

Why I am on a gap year?

Not for the traditional reasons (to earn money, to get drunk, because I can't make decisions, to gain life experience, because I didn't get the grades I needed, because I want to travel...)

I am on a gap year because...sometimes I make spontaneous decisions. One night, several months ago, shortly after I had selected a firm and insurance choice on my UCAS application, but long before I had actually sat any of the exams that would later determine my I was desperately trying to force my tired, over-worked, hyperactive brain to switch itself off and let me sleep, I realised something.

I was not happy with my choices. I was not over Cambridge (long story) and I wanted to work hard and give it another go. I didn't want to go all the way to Scotland, because it was too far away (*cough*frommyboyfriend*cough*).

So here I am. My name is Verity...and I am a Cambridge hopeful. *Breathes* It feels good to be able to say that again.

So why am I writing a blog?

Um, well mostly for myself to be honest. It'll be nice to have something to look back on at the year, and maybe to turn into a scrapbook (if it turns out as well as I hope) If'll be nice to have something to delete in order to give some closure on what could be the shittiest year of my life ;-D (no pressure). And...if anyone happens to stumble upon this along the way and finds it useful in their pursuit of Cambridge/university/A levels/a gap year, then that would be ok too. :-)

Anyway, it was nice to meet y'all and I'll see you again soon!

(Well...not actually see because..that'd be weird...I mean, I'd have to be stalking you or something for that)

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