Friday, 7 December 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012

My attempt at NaNoWriMo this year was not entirely successful, but I feel proud of myself anyway for having attempted it.

For those of you who don't already know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, which occurs in November each year. The idea was thought up by Chris Baty and the goal is to write a novel of at least 50,000 words in 30 days. Thousands of people participate in this ridiculous challenge each year and many come out winning. I, however, did not.

There were a multitude of reasons why this year was not a good year to attempt this challenge, but I was and am proud of myself for giving it a go anyway. I had just started a temporary job in retail, I had a Cambridge interview to prepare for, I had BSL lessons to attend, I had translation work to finish and my boyfriend and I had just got our bambinos, the degus.

But I ploughed on throughout the month and despite having so many issues surrounding why I might or might not be able to win, I racked up an (I think) impressive 33,009 words. It's a little short of the 50,000 word goal, but I feel pretty pleased with it in all honesty and I hope to better it next year. :-)

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