Friday, 8 January 2016



J'ai voulu écrire un petit blog pour vous dire que...


As you may be able to tell, I am both so very excited and horrendously scared by this prospect, but my friends who are already out on their Year Abroads tell me that this is completely normal!

This week has consisted mainly of preparation for Morocco and many, many goodbyes. While the year abroad is an incredibly amazing opportunity, it is also worth mentioning that it is a big upheaval. However, luckily, at the end of the eight months, I do get to come back to everyone I love, which provides some comfort!! Some of the preparations were more stressful than others and of course I have had many sudden realisations of things I needed to do....these included:

  • Letting my bank know I'm going to be using my card abroad so they don't shut it off!
  • Downgrading my phone contract (I'll be getting a Moroccan sim card, so will only be using my UK number occasionally) 
  • Buying an entirely new wardrobe...while Morocco is currently also experiencing its winter, its winter is about as warm as our late spring and both men and women are expected to cover their shoulders and down to their knees, so I needed a lot of new clothes! Lots of natural fibres in order to keep me cool, but covered up! 
  • Buy first aid supplies and a travel sewing kit 
  • Working out how to get to the airport in England and from the air port in Morocco
  • Making sure my new flatmates will be around to let me in when I arrive
  • And many other, much more boring jobs!
Essentially, my week has been full of lots of little odd jobs and a few goodbye lunches and cups of tea. Tonight will be spent having a very traditionally English last dinner with my parents of fish and chips, followed by searching through guide books for Morocco and Rabat (the city where I will be living from tomorrow!) and trying to remain calm. 

Me disez bonne chance! 

A plus 

Verity x

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